The employees of the international company based in Zurich-Kloten (CH), come from Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Romania and France. They all work remotely. Once a quarter, the 20 colleagues meet either online for an event or on site in Vienna. This was also the case from Wednesday, 16th – Saturday, 19th March.
After arriving in Vienna on Wednesday, the biGENIUS team met on Thursday in the conference rooms of Spaces at Icon Vienna Central Station. In the morning, the management team, Urban Lankes and Gregor Zeiler, welcomed the participants and introduced the general topics, status reports of various tasks and requirements. Afterwards, the next development steps were discussed. The evening ended with sightseeing at St. Stephen’s Cathedral and the Hofburg. At the Plutzerbräu, the international team from product development, sales, support, accounting, marketing and finance ended the day with good food and drinks.
The next day continued with an overview of the support processes and the current activities and trends as well as slots on the different development topics. In the afternoon, there was a workshop on biGENIUS aaS, the new cloud application.
At the end of the quarterly meeting, the colleagues competed in bowling and billiards in the Prater in the evening. A few real champions stood out. In a Viennese discotheque, the successes were celebrated until early in the morning. The next day, the staff started their journey home.
We thank the whole team. If you work hard, you can also party hard!