Recent Changes
Over the last years, users of biGENIUS have been playing a major role in the software development and product improvement. Together, we have shared blood, sweat and tears, numerous sleepless nights and cups of coffee, so that today we can all be proud of building one of the best automation software for analytical data management.
In the recent past, a lot has also happened in connection with the acquisition of ©Trivadis by ©Accenture. A new independent ©biGENIUS AG was founded and has big plans. (Read more about the biGENIUS Spin-Off).
biGENIUS Community
biGENIUS users are our focus! At biGENIUS we have always pursued a user-oriented approach. We like to sit together with our customers online and onsite and collect the important requirements of the users in order to let them have a say in the further development of our product. Therefore,
it was time to get together for the 3rd international biGENIUS User Day!
On September 9th we gave a deep insight into our latest development and upcoming roadmap 🚀
The international biGENIUS User Day 2021 at a glance
A lot of things are new for us, too! For the first time we got together in the conference rooms of Spaces at Icon Vienna Central Station.

At 13 p.m. the presentation of the new organization and its changes started from Urban Lankes and Gregor Zeiler. Afterwards the product related presentation started with information about biGENIUS R5 and R6 and the blue Version R7, new Explicit Data Vault Generator Versions (DV2.0 capabilities, AWS, Snowflake) and the new Load Control Monitoring (LCM). This was followed by the highlight of the international biGENIUS User Day 2021: the outlook for biGENIUS as a Service.
The day concluded with honours for the most outstanding biGENIUS users of the past year. Here we would like to thank ALL of you who are part of this great community and who are building one of the best automation software for analytical data management together with us. The absolute highlight was the awarding of the biGENIUS Ambassadors 2021. The biGENIUS Ambassador was awarded to DEVK Versicherung in the category Customer and to Deloitte in the category Partner. We would also like to thank the new biGENIUS Ambassadors for their intensive cooperation in the successful further development of biGENIUS.
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As signed-in user of our support portal you can access the international biGENIUS User Day 2021 videos and more at biGENIUS User Day 2021
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