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Business Intelligence Magazine: data warehouse automation with biGENiUS

Case study of how biGENiUS helped this car manufacturer achieve a competitive advantage with data warehouse automation.

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    Posted on:
    April 28, 2020

    Algorithms, unlike humans, can take decisions by processing immense amounts of data based on a set of rules. This makes them much more effective, without the bias of human emotion, which can even be included in data optimisation models as mathematical variables. The complexity and speed of our economy is ever increasing. Especially for complex processes such as car production or the supply chain of a pharmaceutical company, thousands of activities and thus data sources need to be taken into consideration for a company to take the right decisions. That is why, in their first issue of 2020, BI Magazine addresses the very important role of Artificial Intelligence algorithms in management decision making.

    “Car manufacturers need to radically rebuild their data warehouses in the context of the sweeping structural changes, especially in the production.”

    Business Intelligence Magazine Issue 1/2020

    Read the Case Study: Data Revolution in Car Manufacturing (German)  

    To showcase why that is, BI Magazine tell the story of one of the largest German car manufacturers with headquarters in Southern Germany. They have achieved a substantial competitive advantage against their competitors by effectively consolidating and analysing data from all the heterogenous data sources in their production. The many different Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) with local data of the car manufacturer, combined with the diversity of software systems from different providers, as well as in-house solutions, contributed to the challenge at had. Facing the constant demand for data analytics across all the different company-internal applications was very time- and money-intensive.

    To tackle this challenge, the management took the decision to build a central Data Warehouse (DW) for their production unit. This DW is supposed to integrate all the data from the different production-relevant sources and applications, so the company can react to the increasing demands of their production in a quick and agile way. The other most insightful points of the case study include:

    • Consolidating metadata of the car manufacturer
    • Business Intelligence evaluations for manufacturing
    • Smooth integration of new data
    • Considerably faster development of new requirements

    Curious to read the whole case study and see how biGENiUS by Trivadis helped this car manufacturer achieve a competitive advantage with Data Warehouse Automation? Just head over to the Business Intelligence Magazine Homepage for their newest issue.

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